Does looking at spiralling patterns make you feel woozy?

Do you feel dizzy when you turn your head quickly?

Do you get episodes of spinning when you change your position?

Does watching an action movie make you feel nauseous?

Does eating certain foods make you feel light-headed?

Are you fearful of falling?

😌 It may be reassuring to hear that these symptoms are quite common and generally not serious, but more often a sign of a mechanical problem. There are many different causes of dizziness; some of the most common causes are:

• an inner ear problem (often termed a ‘vestibular’ problem)
• a side effect of medication
• associated with neck pain and stiffness
• related to migraine.

(Note: sometimes your dizziness may be due to a brain or heart problem, so it is important to see your doctor if you are feeling unwell.)

Unfortunately, being constantly dizzy, or even having frequent attacks can make you feel totally exhausted and may severely limit your ability to do even the most basic day-to-day activities. You may not even feel like socialising with your friends and this can make you feel low and depressed.

💁‍♀‍ Don’t ignore that dizzy feeling; help is available.

👉 Many people with dizziness benefit from being assessed by a specialist vestibular physiotherapist, who will evaluate your symptoms, review your medical history and perform a series of tests.

This may include looking at your:

– walking
– eye and head movements
– balance and positional testing.

(Note: if the results of the testing are inconclusive, or your symptoms are more complex, you may be referred to your GP for further medical tests to find out the cause of your dizziness.)

Based on these findings, a treatment plan is developed, tailored to your personal goals and is likely to include vestibular rehabilitation.

People who may benefit from vestibular rehabilitation are those who frequently fall or have been diagnosed with: 👇

– generalised balance problems
– labyrinthitis
– vestibular neuritis
– Meniere’s
– Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
– neck-related dizziness
– post-concussion or whiplash injury
– migraine

With the main aim being to get you back to doing the activities you love, vestibular rehabilitation usually involves: 👇

– advice and information on how you can manage your dizziness symptoms
– an exercise programme including various eye, head and neck movements to help improve your balance and mobility

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms and would like to discuss this further, please contact the clinic as this approach might be suitable for you. We are here to help.

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